Lawn Care Tips For All Seasons

When the weather gets warmer, it’s time to turn on the sprinkler. The goal is to get the lawn deeply watered, as watering shallowly encourages the development of shallow roots. Deep-rooted turf grass is more tolerant of stress, such as heat and drought. You should water your lawn between 0.8 and 1.2 inches per square foot of turf, while clay soil needs about 2.2 to 3.2 inches per square foot.

Lawn Care

Lawn care involves mowing, aeration, seeding, weed control, and more. While mowing and watering are essential, hiring a professional lawn care service is best to complete the task. Lawn service includes:

  • Preparing and planning your lawn for the winter.
  • Removing dead and diseased plants.
  • Weed control.

And while you’re at it, you can also opt to hire a landscaper to create a beautiful outdoor space.

In the fall, grass will continue to grow, although at a slower pace than in the summer. To prevent browning and pest problems, you should only cut the grass about two to three inches tall. If it is too tall, it is more vulnerable to fungal diseases. Cutting it too short also impedes the root system, making the grass less resilient to cold winter temperatures. Mow your lawn a little higher than normal and water thoroughly.

The temperatures during winter can kill grass, so you should continue routine lawn care during the winter. To prevent weeds from returning in the spring, you can use a leaf rake to remove winter debris from your lawn. This will improve the flow of water, nutrients, and oxygen to the roots of your lawn. 

Besides water, light, and moisture, lawn grasses also need the right nutrition to grow and thrive. Make sure to collect the soil samples in problem areas for proper analysis. You can find out your soil’s pH level with a soil test from the county extension office or contact an agricultural agent in your area. You can also get a sample of your soil from a local laboratory. You’ll receive personalized recommendations for lawn care.

Depending on your climate and turfgrass type, you can either overseed your lawn or seed it yourself. In spring and fall, you should be overseeded with cool-season grass. In summer, you should plant warm-season grasses. You can also choose warm-season varieties if you don’t have enough grass on your lawn. This ensures a healthy, dense lawn. But, if you have a lawn prone to weeds, it’s best to prevent them by controlling them.

To choose the right lawn care company:

  1. Do some research.
  2. Look for companies that offer free estimates. The cost can vary greatly, so ask questions to determine what other customers are paying.
  3. Remember, experience is valuable in lawn care.
  4. Find companies that offer discounts and guarantee repeat business.

So, before you hire a lawn care service, ask yourself these questions to determine what kind of service you need. Do your due diligence, and ensure they are certified and educated.

If you notice signs of pests, you’re probably dealing with a pest. Grubs and sod webworms, among others, can destroy a lawn, resulting in a scorched appearance and a lack of green color. Some other common pests that can wreak havoc on your lawn include aphids, carpenter ants, fleas, and chinch bugs.

Aeration is another key aspect of Lawn Care. Aeration helps your lawn stay healthy by breaking up compacted soil and allowing water to reach its roots. It’s more effective in areas that receive a lot of foot traffic. A spading fork can help you get the job done if you don’t have a core aerator. However, if you only have a small lawn, you’ll find a spading fork works just fine.

Pricing for lawn mowing varies depending on the size of your yard and the services requested. A simple lawn with less grass can cost anywhere from $25 to $150 per week. Prices can also increase or decrease depending on the number of crews needed. Larger lawns require more staffing, and this means a higher bill. The price per square foot can be anywhere from a penny to five dollars per square foot. Hiring a professional company is a great option if you’re looking for lawn care.